A record 1904+ viewers came to the opening reception at Living Arts of Tulsa! 

Warren Queton invited viewers at the opening reception of Beyond the Whitewash at Living Arts of Tulsa to join Marlon Hall at the corner of Martin Luther King Blvd and Reconciliation Way, where, on March 22, 2023, Marlon was racially profiled and detained by force for a crime he didn’t commit. On the street corner, Marlon talked about his experience, Phetote Mshari performed a poem, and Warren Queton offered a prayer through song. Carrying a mask for his installation in the exhibition, Marlon led the processional back to the opening reception at Living Arts, where prayer, poetry, and song continued.

Phetote Mshari reading from his book of poems on the corner of Martin Luther King Blvd and Reconciliation Way. 

On July 15th, Phetote Mshari presented POETS vs RAPPERS, an evening of competition and artistry that brought fans of poetry and rap together in the exhibition's main gallery. 
Marlon Hall hosted an after-hours Ecotone Salon Dinner on Thursday, July 20th, from 7 -10 p.m. During the gathering, Marlon brought a cross-pollination of people to the table to remember the beauty of being human. Original musical composition, rich culinary art, and intentionally designed conversation drove the evening in discussion from the heart. At this table, we could not talk about what we do, only who we are and why we exist.

Warren Queton offered a prayer in song on the corner of Martin Luther King Blvd and Reconciliation Way, where Marlon was racially profiled and detained by force for a crime he didn’t commit.

Channel 6 News of Tulsa covered the opening reception of Beyond the Whitewash
On Saturday afternoon, July 8th, Marlon Hall led a series of guided meditations in the center of his installation in Beyond the Whitewash.

July 17 through 21: New Arts Summer Camp – Using the exhibition as inspiration, Philbrook Museum's teaching artist Amber Marie Deen led two camp sessions during the week: an Installation Performance in the morning and a Youth Storytelling Workshop in the exhibition's main gallery during the afternoon. 

Artist talk at ARTSPACE at Unlimited in Oklahoma City, OK

Chris Henson of Living Arts of Tulsa posted two podcasts about the exhibition.